uploads/leaf rust.jpg

leaf rust (谷類等的)葉銹病。

leaf spot

The higher concentration of extracellular calcium could influent the stability of microtubules in protoplast . mts in the protoplasts would depolymerize when the extracellular calcium concentration was rising up to lommoi / l . the intercellular washing fluid ( iwf ) of wheat - leaf rust fungus interaction which contains elicitor were used as stimulator to interact with the protoplast of cv 試驗結果表明,在小麥葉肉細胞原生質體中,微管骨架呈網絡狀分布于整個細胞質中;胞外較高的ca ~ ( 2 + )濃度對微管骨架的穩定性有影響,在本試驗系統中當胞外ca ~ ( 2 + )達到10mmol / l時,微管骨架即開始發生解聚。

Leaf rust of wheat and barley 麥類褐銹病